Thursday, February 15, 2007

Performing for Mediacorp on CNY Eve!

I'll be performing for Mediacorp on Chinese New Year Eve! My opera troupe boss is invited to perform at the Chinese New Year Countdown show this year, and I'll be helping out as one of the "small kids" around him doing flips. He'll be doing the face-changing thingy. It'll be quite an experience, first time performing on TV and it's going to be a live event. Not forgetting that it's such a big event, with many many viewers.

We had our first rehearsal today at Mediacorp and we saw some artistes. When Gladys and I saw Fiona Xie, we were quite shocked at how skinny she is actually. But she does have "assets" lah. The guy who acted as Tianying (牛郎,cowherd) in the 凡间新仙人 is really handsome in life. I'm having a full dress rehearsal on Friday, then I'll be able to see more artistes.

I must say that the theatre in Mediacorp is actually quite small, which is quite different from what we seen on TV, and that the flooring is not very good for doing flips on.

If you see this post before night of 15th Feb, maybe you can watch the news on 15th Feb to see my opera troupe boss. He'll be on TV, and maybe in the newspapers as well.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Overwhelming Anxiety!!

I just called SGH and Singhealth yesterday to see if they will allow me to apply for a scholarship that will take me to LaTrobe University in Australia for 1 year to do a Bachelor of Nursing conversion course. If i get it, i'll come back with a degree. Currently awaiting their reply, which they said will come next week.

It's only been a day, but the anticipation is really killing me!! I just feel so nervous abt this whole thing... Hope I'll get it. It'll mean a lot to me... *cross fingers*


Just went for my first kickboxing class today... OMG, i've never felt so unfit before. My whole body feels like a lifeless lump of shit now...

Friday, February 09, 2007

IMH Posting

Just finished my 2 weeks IMH posting today. It was quite an enriching posting, cos thru it, i got to interact wif many mentally ill patients, and i realised that mental illness is just like any other illness tt needs to be treated. When the patients are on medication, they are usually v normal.

By the end of the posting, all my initial fear has disappeared, in fact, i feel quite sad tt i'm leaving already!

Here's one of the things that i spend the bulk of my time doing with my patients...

Playing Jenga!! I think our highest record was 32 layers...

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Made cookies!

David and i decided to make cookies to give to pple for CNY, so today we made chocolate chip cookies! Took us 5 whole hours cos we were making 2kg of cookies!

The dough.

Balls of dough...

Fresh from the oven!

Finally, our giant heap of cookies.

Friday, February 02, 2007

How to Get Your Co-Workers to Like You...

Just came across this on the net and thought it's pretty funny. Also made me think abt whether i REALLY wanna make the effort to be better liked by those pple who aren't even important to me in the first place. Guess i'm just better off staying the way i am right now.

Tip 1.

Always help your co-workers finish their work assignments if they fall behind due to frequent net surfing and taking 3 hour lunches.

Tip 2.

If you're always well groomed and proficient with your work, this will bother some of your co-workers. Untidy yourself periodically and try to make your work a little more erroneous so they don't feel insecure or threatened by you.

Tip 3.

When you leave the office to go on your lunch, be sure to pick up everyone's lunch on your way back. This way they can go on their lunch when you get back and have more idle time in their hour for themselves.

Tip 4.

Now, if a co-worker always ask you to pick up their lunch on your way back and they always seem to "forget" to hand over their money, pay for it out your pocket and don't mention it.

Tip 5.

If a co-worker always ask you for a ride home everyday and they live out of your way, just do it and don't ask for gas money either.

Tip 6.

Always share your personal problems with your colleagues.

Tip 7.

Never get along well with the boss in front of your co-workers.

Tip 8.

Always lend out your money, share your lunch and give away your office supplies to everyone in the office.

Tip 9.

If a colleague always steals your credit or tells a big lie on you in front of the boss, don't defend yourself. Let it go.

Tip 10.

If someone in the office likes to gossip and spread rumors about you... go and tell them the truth, that way they won't spread lies anymore.

Tip 11.

Every year you should split up all your vacation time and sick leave among your colleagues.

Tip 12.

If a co-worker ask you to get the papers out the fax or printer and bring it to them because you're closer, get out your chair and do it with pleasure.

Tip 13.

If your boss offers you a promotion, decline and suggest they give it to someone else in the office.

Tip 14

When co-workers come around with their kid's school raffles and fund-raisers, buy as much as you can always.