Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Spiders killing

If I were to get a dollar for each of the spiders I killed during this trip, I think I'll be quite rich. There are so many spiders around, and quite a number of them are really quite big. They are really hardworking too. We'll see spiderwebs sprouting up all around overnight. Everytime I cleared the top of some of the trees in the front yard, there will be a lot of spiders appearing, probably from the top of those trees I cut. And of course, I had to kill them all or Gladys will just freak out. Just today alone, I think I killed at least 20 spiders? About 10 of them while cutting the last bit of trees today, and another 10 or more when we came home after a coffee session to see that a whole bunch of spiders making camp just outside the door under the balcony.

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