Thursday, October 23, 2008

Please don't be so cold...

The weather, that is!

Can't believe that just less than a week ago, it was upwards of 30 degrees and we were all complaining about how hot it was. Well, guess I complained too much and jinxed myself. Yesterday, it just suddenly plunged to 10 degrees at midday here in Sydney, along with umbrella-flipping winds and pouring rain. Apparently it was the coldest October day in 4 years. The cold-front brought snow to the Blue Mountains (which I was not fortunate enough to see), and now we're all freezing and cursing over how we've already vacuum-packed and boxed up our winter clothings.

The snow in Blue Mountains.
Photo from

Can't wait to get back to Singapore... At least then I can be CONSISTENT in complaining about the weather!

On a happier (& warmer) note, it's just 27 days more!

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