Saturday, May 26, 2007

Happy With My Results

Yupz, I'm really happy with my results. I must say that some of the grades were better than what I expected. I actually expected my HCI to get A, but I got an A+. I was hoping for an A+ for IT Marketing, or at least an A (same grade point as A+ actually), and I really did get an A+. I thought I might get a B+ for my Legal Environment, but I got an A- instead. However, I thought I might be able to get an A- for my Management Science, I only got a B+. So there's sort of a swap. Haha.

HCI was one module that I was really happy to get A+ for. Because in the previous semester, I only got a B+ for a level 4000 module under the same lecturer even though I was expecting something like A-. And... well... I don't really like the lecturer... Hehe. So it's sort of a "revenge". I was contemplating NOT taking this module because of the lecturer, but I thought it'll be interesting and so I took it (and then later regretting it because it's still too boring under him).

Honestly, I would have been glad to just maintain my CAP for 1st class honours, but of course, being able to pull the CAP up is even better. My average aggregate points for this semester alone is actually 4.7 (A+ and A are both 5, A- is 4.5, B+ is 4).

I'm facing a rather unique situation. Most people start off with good grades at the beginning of their studies, and then their CAP gradually drop over the semesters. Mine is just the opposite. 1st year, both sems got 4.5. Next sem in UBC. Following 2 sems, each got 4.6. And now, 4.7 for this sem. Does that mean that next sem I'll get 4.7 again? And then last sem get a 4.8? I'll dream on lah ah. Haha.

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