Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Final Countdown

So I'm actually supposed to be studying now for my exam paper tomorrow, but I totally cannot concentrate. Why, you ask? Cos our final 1-week countdown begins today! I feel like running out and knocking on all my neighbours' doors and telling them, "HEY!!! I'm going back to Singapore in 1 week!!! I can finally talk, laugh and turn on my music/video/TV after 10pm and nobody will hear me or complain to the landlord (unlike you suckers!)!!!". But obviously I won't do that, cos the suckers will probably complain to my landlord. And yup, they sleep by 10pm. (-_-;)

On second thoughts, maybe they'll just jump for joy too. No fun living in a terrace with paper-thin walls between us and the sleep-by-10pm neighbours. (>_<)

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